The displacement of practices
displacement of beliefs
cultural appropriation
instant belief through easy rituals with no value
violence through enforcing beliefs
pagan ideas and rituals appropriated
Subject road map
Murder in the name of... Beliefs:
when a belief becomes a tool for own interests/ideology because it results in violence and comes from violence

The Biological and Emotional Causes of Aggression
Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) took this view, arguing that humans are naturally evil and that only society could constrain their aggressive tendencies. On the other hand, the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) was more positive. He believed that humans are naturally gentle creatures who are aggressive only because we are taught to be so by our society.”

Motivation for aggressive religious radicalization: goal regulation theory and a personality × threat × affordance hypothesis
Ian McGregor, Joseph Hayes and Mike Prentice
What is the appeal of enthusiastically perpetrating atrocities in the name of a religion that preaches mercy? How can personality and demographic profiles of recruits so often be normal and well-educated


It’s difficult to be violent/to scream, unprovoked, much harder than expected
Very hard to yell, especially anger
Angela: easier to be scared than to be angry, scream more out of fear
Sofia: Easier to let go of anger through the instrument then trough self/voice, need some sort of detachment
Lulu: instrument didn’t feel violent. Screaming felt more angry and violent
Anas: act of screaming is also vulnerable, It is easier to be violent when you have a partner, so supported, feel safe, then it is approved by somebody else.

Anything Philosophy
Anything History
Anything Visual
Feedback sessions:
Sound Violence experiment
Horror imagery
- feminist horror film
- zine
- fiction horror stories
top 10 atrocities commited in name of religion

Perry, David L. “Killing in the Name of God.” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, 25 Sept. 2001, (MLA)

Fahmidah, Usraat. “Mahsa Amini: It Wasn’t about Her Clothes.” Youth Journalism International, 24 Sept. 2022, Accessed 20 Oct. 2022. (MLA)

- horror
- Interpersonal control, dehumanization, and violence: A self-determination
theory perspective. Arlen C. Moller and Edward

Resources Theory s/outreach/insights/topics/themes/ themespolitics-zine-culture
Research road map
^ Rowley, Matthew. “WHAT CAUSES RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE? THREE HUNDRED CLAIMED CONTRIBUTING CAUSES.” Journal of Religion and Violence, vol. 2, no. 3, 2014, pp. 361–402. JSTOR, Accessed 20 Oct. 2022.

First feedback:

- make the violence that is happening around us clearer, be balanced, dont focus only on what is happening outside of our environment
- add past and present
- going speculative, maybe one religion prevails, it makes it more imaginative, more free to play with these ideas that started from a good place but developed into smth violent
- start making while discussing the tension between the good and the bad
- experiment before making the final thing, dont overcomplicate it

Second feedback:

- ways to dehumanize people:
- taking away human characteristics like telling people that they have to walk on their fours
- taking away their humanity, treating them like objects
- think about how hollywood portrays arabs in movies
- representation of someone affects how a group gets seen or portrayed example hitler and germans "nein nein nein"
- the way we used the word "displacement" feels forced, the displacement is happening but not through the displacement of the value of beliefs but maybe it's the people that are being displaced
- we can change the word displaced to distorted, the value of the religion or its essence is being distorted
- how does this affect people's life
- or adopt the word for our use, explain why we're using that word

- for the final outcome: maybe same aesthetics, different contents, there has to be a red thread in some way that connects all of the parts of the publication
- narrow it down, research all of them, find connections
- personal connections?
- countervisuality is for example using fiction
- making something invisible visible
- making someone see the distortion that is happening

The three acts can be boiled down to the protagonist
1) encounters a threat;
2) struggles with that threat;
3) escapes the threat.

The main narrative is over once the protagonist triumphs over the Threat, but there’s a long tradition of ending a horror movie with one last, nasty twist.

Horror uses unique and unusual angles to create confusion and unsettling feel with the viewer. The lighting tends to be dark, underexposed with lots of shadows, making the audience feel tense and on edge. Furthermore, the use of sound, such as a high pitch key, creates a sense of alarm with the audience.

The beating heart of the horror genre is the knowledge that bad things can happen to good people.
Why do people read horror stories?

People read horror novels to feel the thrill and terror of being in a life and death situation without actually being in danger in real life.

They want to experience what it’s like to confront their nightmares, face their darkest fears, and defeat scary monsters from the comfort of home.

Resources horror
Link to an article about the horror genre